Assessor Links USA
a State by State guide to Tax Assessor Websites and More |
Assessor Links USAAssessor Links USA is a reference tool designed to give real estate and tax professionals, consumers and researchers more convenient access to property tax assessor websites. Organized on a state-by-state basis, this directory offers links to more than 2,300 state and local tax assessor sites. The content of tax assessor websites varies considerably by jurisdiction. Many assessor sites give visitors extensive online tools, that can include free online property assessment and tax data, downloadable tax forms, access to pertinent tax laws and useful information about appealing tax assessments. On the other hand, some assessor sites offer little more than contact information. As a supplement to our main tax assessors section, we also have distinct sections with listings for Counties, County Recorders and County Treasurers where additional information about property records and taxes can often times be found. [Our most popular resources are in our REAL ESTATE LICENSE LOOKUP section.] Find Tax Assessors by State: More Assessors by State: In using this directory there are a couple of things we'd like visitors to know. First, with links to over 2,300 tax assessor websites we cover a lot of territory, but that doesn't mean we haven't missed some assessor websites. If you know of a local tax assessor site that isn't in the directory, please let us know so that we can update the site. Second, we don't have any control over the content or technical performance of any of the state or local tax assessor websites listed in the directory. If you encounter difficulties in using a specific site, please contact that site directly. Of course, if you find broken or bad links in our directory or want to suggest ways to improve this site, we'd be very glad to hear from you. Assessor Links USA is designed for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist individuals in locating tax assessor websites and general information related to local property tax assessments and taxes. This web site is not designed to be, nor should it ever be used as, a source of property appraisal or tax advice. Users wanting such advice should never rely on information found through an internet web site. Users seeking such advice should always consult with qualified real estate and/or tax professionals regarding their specific situation or with their personal questions. |
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